SASHA ALEX LESSIN, PH.D. (Anthropology, U.C.L.A.), M.A. (Counseling, University for Humanistic Studies) works with his wife and partner, experiencer and facilitator, Janet Kira Lessin. Together, they specialize with experiencers of ET contact, paranormal phenomena, psychic viewing, shamanic journeywork and consciousness expansion. Dr. Lessin is certified in hypnotherapy by Dr. Irving Katz, in Jungian & Pastlife …

Ancient Aliens Studies Anunnaki Studies Counseling Counselors Education Existential Analysis Exopolitical Deprogramming Extraterrestrial Deprogramming Gestalt Therapy Holotropic Breathwork Hypnotherapy Jungian Pastlife Therapy Pastlife Regression Psychosynthesis Spirit Releasement Spiritual Growth Tantra Counseling Tantra Education Voice Dialogue Centering
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