Reports of alien-human hybridization experiments primarily stem from accounts of alleged alien abductions. Individuals claiming to have been abducted often describe medical procedures that focus on reproductive systems, suggesting attempts to create hybrid offspring. These narratives frequently present hybrid children—beings that exhibit human and extraterrestrial features. Abductees report being shown these hybrid children and are …


> See https://wp.me/p1TVCy-5bv for a review of ET contactees and their stories. From FIRST CONTACT * (Dragon at the End of Time Series) by Janet Kira Lessin [pp 61-68] Antonio Vilas-Boas, a Brazilian farmer at his homestead close to São Francisco de Sales, said that extraterrestrials abducted him in 1957 when he was 23. As he worked …

CLIFFORD STONE ~ R.I.P. 02/10/21

Hosts Janet Kira Lessin & Dr. Sasha Lessin interview Clifford Stone on the Sacred Matrix on Revolution Radio, Studio B (www.freedomslips.com), Sunday, August 3, 2014 from 8 to 10 PM, Eastern time. UFO crash-recovery specialist, former Army Sergeant, Clifford Stone, tells hosts Janet Kira and Dr. Sasha Lessin “We did recoveries of crashed saucers. There were …

Kosta Makreas & Hollis Polk ~ “ETLetsTalk.com” ~ 08/01/19 ~ Experiencer’s Network ~ Hosts Janet Kira Lessin & Andrew Aloha

Kosta Makreas & Hollis Polk ~ “ETLetsTalk.com” ~ 08/01/19 ~ Experiencer’s Network ~ Hosts Janet Kira Lessin & Andrew Aloha Kosta Makreas Bio: “Kosta Makreas is the founder and facilitator of ETLetsTalk.com, the ETLetsTalk Community and “The People’s Disclosure Movement”.  The ETLetsTalk community contains 25,000 members in 100+ countries.  “The People’s Disclosure Movement” is the …

The Cosmic Oracle Show interviews Janet Kira Lessin

The Cosmic Oracle Show interviews Janet Kira Lessin, Friday, APRIL 12TH, 2019 at 5pm-7pm PST on Revolution Radio at Studio B JANET KIRA LESSIN is an author (http://www.amazon.com/author/janetkiralessin), educator, experiencer, contactee, researcher, conference presenter, conference organizer, radio talk show host, television personality, workshop leader, hypnotherapist and counselor. She and her husband, Dr. Sasha Lessin, facilitate …

Seriah Azkath ~ 08/02/19 ~ Experiencer’s Network ~ Host Janet Kira Lessin ~ Aquarian Radio

Seriah Azkath ~ 08/09/19 ~ Experiencer’s Network ~ Hosts Janet Kira Lessin & Andrew Aloha ~ Aquarian Radio ~ 8 PM Eastern, 7 PM Central, 6 PM Mountain, 5 PM Pacific, 2 PM Hawaii SERIAH AZKATH Seriah Azkath has been studying the unknown for around 35 years and is currently working on a couple of …


Click arrows on icons below to hear Mary Rodwell and the Lessins on Mary’s research on Extraterrestrial encounters and the gifts of autistic, ADHD, dyslexic, Aspergers, Indigos and Hybids to planetary ascension. http://kcorradio.com/KCOR/Podcasts/Divine-Paradigm/2017/February/Mary-Rodwell-Foundation-For-Research-Into-Extraterrestrial-Encounters-Divine-Paradigm-Dr-Sasha-Lessin-Janet-Kira-Lessin-KCOR-Digital-Radio-Network-Part-Two.mp3 Listen to “Mary Rodwell ~ 12-27-15 ~ Sacred Matrix” on Spreaker. Mary Rodwell, a Co-Founder of FREE and a member of FREE’s …

ET EXPERIENCERS: HEROES OF HUMANITY: Article, Youtube, Experiential Cues to Access Your Hero Harkening

UFO CON 2017 Mar. 24-25-26 Friday 4 pm-Sunday 9 pm  S. San Francisco, Holiday Inn Featuring experiential workshops, including  ET EXPERIENCERS: HEROES OF HUMANITY  led by JANET KIRA LESSIN & SASHA ALEX LESSIN, PH.D.  Mar 26 3:30 PM http://caufocon.com/sessions/intensive-janet-lessin-being-an-experiencer/ for tickets. Janet shares how she experienced extraterrestrial, interdimensional, pastlife and future lives and how you …

Dr. Sasha Lessin

SASHA ALEX LESSIN, PH.D. (Anthropology, U.C.L.A.), M.A. (Counseling, University for Humanistic Studies) works with his wife and partner, experiencer and facilitator, Janet Kira Lessin.  Together, they specialize  with experiencers of ET contact, paranormal phenomena, psychic viewing, shamanic journeywork and consciousness expansion. Dr. Lessin is certified in hypnotherapy by Dr. Irving Katz, in Jungian & Pastlife …

Karen Christine Patrick

Karen Christine Patrick is a contactee/experiencer who is also ordained as a Minister through the Universal Life Church since 2011. She manages the facebook group, community and media projects for the Dr. Edgar Mitchell Foundation for Research into Extraterrestrial Encounters. Contact Karen at kcpatricktexas(at)gmail.com for more information.

Miesha Johnston ~ 05/17/15 ~ Sacred Matrix on Revolution Radio – Experiencers & Star Family Contactees

Hosts Janet Kira Lessin & Dr. Sasha Lessin interview Experiencer Miesha Johnston on the Sacred Matrix on Revolution Radio (www.freedomslips.com), Studio B on Sunday, May 17, 2015 from 8 to 10 PM Eastern time. In 1992 Miesha Johnston founded the Star Family Contactee. These groups are for people who are experiencer’s: men, women, teens and …

Janet Kira Lessin: ETs told me “You are going to do something very important for humanity”

Published on Feb 7, 2015 NOTE: You can access more context and links here while you watch this interview. Thank you. Author Janet Kira Lessin: ETs told me “You are going to do something very important for humanity” http://newsinsideout.com/2015/02/auth… Citation: Can IP cameras work without Internet?