
ET EXPERIENCERS: HEROES OF HUMANITY: Article, Youtube, Experiential Cues to Access Your Hero Harkening

UFO CON 2017

Mar. 24-25-26 Friday 4 pm-Sunday 9 pm  S. San Francisco, Holiday Inn

Featuring experiential workshops, including 

led by
http://caufocon.com/sessions/intensive-janet-lessin-being-an-experiencer/ for tickets.

Janet shares how she experienced extraterrestrial, interdimensional, pastlife and future lives
and how you can too.  She teaches how to cast paranormal experiences as your HERO-JOURNEY
of self-discovery, a journey to get boons for all humanity from aliens and spiritual guides. 

Dr. Sasha leads an experiential exercise to assist our hero-journeys and learn to facilitate others.


Below’s an experiential you might enjoy and learn something from also.  It’s called YOU’RE A HERO: An Experiential by Sasha.

Have a partner give you the directions below.  Tell her or him to read the cues printed in bold, but not the directions enclosed in [square brackets]; alternately, try this exercise solo.

Sit comfortably.

Close your eyes.

Breathe deeply.  With each breath, relax more.  [Let her or him take ten full breaths.]


Imagine a voice softly calling you from once-upon-a-time. 

Lift a finger when you hear it. [Wait till she or he lifts a finger.]

You’re drawn by it to a safe, private place, perhaps one you knew as a kid. 

Raise your finger when you see it.

Smell pleasant scents here.

Your private place has a door leading to the wondrous realm. Open the door and see steps down. Grasp the rail and step onto the smooth wooden steps. Descend ten steps to the landing. With each step, relax more.  With each, breathe more deeply.

Get in a boat at the landing.

Curl up on cushions in the boat.

Feel safe and drowsy as the boat gently rocks and drifts.  It beaches on the shore in front of the gate.*


Encounter a creature or force who will help you pass the guardian.

See your helper near the gate.

Pretend for a moment you are that helper.  Raise your finger when you start to feel what it’s like to be Helper.

Say what you are like as Helper.

As Helper, tell your person how you can help her or him.


Be yourself on your quest again.

Imagine you approach the gate and its guard.

Become the guardian.

State your existence, Guardian.  Challenge the person approaching the gate.


Now become yourself and confront the guardian.

Talk to it/her/him.

Make up and tell the story of how you defeat or get by the guardian.  In it, get help from your helper.  [Encourage her or him to use the present tense]


Experience and triumph in the greatest imaginable test.  Describe the scene to me.


Gain the reward, take the boon.***


If you’re blessed by the powers, go under their protection.  If not, flee, encountering obstacles. 

Describe your exit.

At the threshold, leave behind the powers of the realm and re-emerge with your boon.

Find the boat drifted on the beach.  Get in and fall deeply asleep.  Become dimly aware that the tide is rising, lifting and gently rocking the boat.  Know that you’re safe as the boat drifts back to the landing.  Go up the steps to the sanctuary.


Become the boon, the gift you have brought back to the world.

State your existence as boon.  Tell humanity your significance.

Now become yourself again, deeply relaxed.  As I count from ten to one, become increasingly alert.  Ten, nine, eight–you’re becoming more alert.  Seven, six five, four–get ready to be wide awake.  Three, feel relaxed and refreshed.  Two, feel alert and wonderful.  One–WAKE UP.


What comments do you have on his experience?

Now change roles with me and guide me through these cues.

  * The fantasy, thus far, is inspired by Masters, R. and Houston, J., Mind Games, New York: Viking, 1972.  The rest of this exercise is adapted from Campbell, J., The Hero with a Thousand Faces, Cleveland: Meridian, 1956, pages 245-246.

** Among the recurrent tests at the threshold and deeper in the Wondrous Realm, Campbell finds battles with brothers and dragons, journeys of wonder and in the sea, dismemberment, crucifixion and descent into  the beast’s belly.  Describe going alive (or dying and going dead) into the realm.

***  “The triumph may be represented as sacred marriage, father atonement, divinization, bride theft, fire theft; intrinsically it is an expansion of consciousness and therewith illumination, transfiguration, freedom”  (ibid., page 246).

Click arrow on icon below and hear Janet’s experience with the Anunnaki beneath Johnston Atoll in the Pacific.



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Janet Kira Lessin

I am an Experiencer which means I've had experiences with extraterrestrials, inter-dimesionals and the paranormal. I've been in contact with ghosts and ETs since the crib. I plan on sharing some of my stories here on this site. I've published a book called "Dance of the Souls: Pierce the Veil" which is an autobiographical series covering this lifetime, my experiences with ETs and others plus my pastlives and how they weave one with another and intertwine with my ET experiences throughout time.

I have become aware that I am a multi-dimensional being having many experiences in many lifetimes and forms and so are we all. I hope through this web site and the writings I share along with the stories you share, we awaken humanity to the awareness of our true nature and free this planet from war, violence, death and disease.

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